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The Barbarians (New)

Barbarians live along a mountainous border of the Kingdom. Initially there were clashes between the various Barbarian clans and the Kingdom Defenders, but currently both sides have agreed to a truce and Barbarians are now not an uncommon sight in the Kingdom.

Barbarians are a sub-species of Human and they have a deep mistrust of all non-Human races. They also fear and hate magic and will never allow any non-Barbarian to cast on them or their possessions. Mages, at best, are considered weaklings who cannot rely on their own abilities and at worst people who are possessed by spirits hungry for power.

Each Barbarian clan has its own Witch Doctor or Shaman, responsible for spiritual guidance and protecting the clansmen from magical attack. Both Witch Doctors and Shamans use rituals to produce ‘magical’ effects, though the underlying philosophy is different from Kingdom Mages and Priests.

Roleplaying Note: Barbarians are easily identified by their Scots accents


Starting Threshold
Death Threshold 10
Life Points 30 30
Mana 2 60
Standing 5 180

Barbarian Beserker


A Barbarian Beserker must

  • be Human,
  • show disain and disapproval for those who have the potential to be combatants, but choose not to,
  • show mistrust of non-Humans,
  • show fear, uncertainty and doubt% of known spell users,
  • refuse all beneficial spells from non-Barbarians
  • Immediately attempt to kill any non-Barbarian who casts a spell on him or his possessions. If an Anarchy follower deflects a spell cast at them onto a Barbarian, the Barbarian should attempt to kill the Anarchy follower, he does not need to attempt to kill (though can if he wants) the actual caster of the spell and he may even be unaware of who actually cast it. This is an immediate and instinctive reaction to the casting, not deliberate malice on the part of the Barbarian. The urge to kill lasts for until the caster is dead, until the Barbarian is rendered unconscious through non-magical means, or after being unaware of the caster’s presence for 15 minutes. A caster who survives will never be trusted by the Barbarian again, and the Barbarian should show obvious hatred towards the caster in future.

Barbarian Beserker receive the following bonuses.

  • Increased Life Point Threshold to 45, instead of the normal Human Life Threshold of 30.
  • Base Life Points of 33, instead of 30.
  • Instantly recognise a spell (as opposed to a miracle) when cast on him or his possessions. Note the Barbarian does not automatically know the identity of the caster.
  • Barbarians can enter a Berserk Rage a number of times per day equal to their Rank divided by 5 (rounded down). The Rage lasts until there are no standing enemies in sight. Note that known party Mages can be considered enemies, though this is a decision left to the individual Barbarian. During the Rage, Barbarians can activate Items and cause Subdual damage, but doing so maybe deemed poor roleplay. The Barbarian gains the following:
    • An effective Willpower increase of 1 (this stacks with spell/miracle bonus Willpower).
    • A Strength increase of 1 category (i.e. a Barbarian with Strength effectively has Double Strength).
    • The ability to remain active even if his Life Points drop below 0, though he will still die when his Death Threshold is reached.
    • The ability to ignore pain and keep using a location even if its Body Points drop to 0 or below, including if that location is broken. However, any location that drops to -10 is still severed or crushed.
    • An Natural Endurance 15, which disappears when the rage ends.
    • The ability to use an additional use of Rage to gain an additional Natural Endurance 6. This stacks with the Natural Endurance 15 from Rage.
    • The ability to use an additional use of Rage to call Bounce in response to any Spell cast at the Barbarian. This should be accompanied by a suitably angry outburst.
  • At Rank 40, Barbarians can enter a Greater Berserk Rage, a stronger version of Berserk Rage, which counts as 3 uses of the Berserk Rage ability. As with Rage, the Greater Rage lasts until there are no standing enemies in sight and known party Mages can be considered enemies, though this is a decision left to the individual Barbarian. Whilst in a Greater Rage, the Barbarian gains all the abilities of Rage given above (except where superseded) and also gain the following:
    • An effective Willpower increase of 2 (this stacks with spell/miracle bonus Willpower).
    • A Strength increase of 2 categories (i.e. a Barbarian with Triple Strength effectively has Quintuple Strength). (This replaces the Strength bonus from Berserk Rage.)
    • An effective Natural Endurance 30 Life Points. (This replaces the Natural Endurance 15 from Berserk Rage.)
    • An effective Toughness increase of 2, as the Barbarian is able to shrug off more physical damage (this stacks with spell/miracle bonus Toughness).
    • The ability to use an additional use of Rage to gain an additional Natural Endurance 6. This stacks with the Natural Endurance 30 from Greater Rage.
    • The ability to use an additional use of Rage to call Bounce in response to any Spell cast at the Barbarian. This should be accompanied by a suitably angry outburst.
    • The ability to use an additional use of Rage to use either the Disarm or Knockback special strikes once. The Barbarian must already have purchased at least 1 use of the strike.
    • The ability to use 3 additional uses of rage to use the True Strike special strike once. The Barbarian must already have purchased at least 1 use of True Strike.

Example: Ferrus, a Rank 50 Barbarian, has 10 uses of Rage per day. Upon his camp being attacked by a group of Drow, he flies into a Greater Rage to attack the invaders, using 3 uses and leaving him with 7.

The Drow Matriarch casts Dark Dart 20 at Ferrus. Letting out a blood chilling roar and expending an additional use of Rage, he calls Bounce. He has 6 uses remaining.

Charging at the Matriarch, Ferrus finds his path blocked by two Drow mages. Ferrus uses his once an hour use of Disarm to disarm and kill one, and expends a use of Rage to use it an additional time and disarm the other. He has 5 uses remaining.

Finding the Matriarch, Ferrus finds she’s Shadow Merged to evade him, becoming Incorporeal. With a final war cry, he uses his once an hour use of True Strike and 3 additional uses of Rage to use True Strike twice and kill her in the Shadow Merge. Battle over, his rage ends. He has 2 uses of Rage left for that day.

Barbarian Witch Doctors

Witch Doctors use Magic Rituals from ONE School only. Most communicate with the spirits that inhabit the world (Elemental Schools e.g. Fire, Air, Water or Earth) though a few talk to their ancestors (Necromantic School) or otherworld creatures (Demonology School). The latter are more feared than respected by other Barbarians and are generally not welcomed in the Kingdom. Witch Doctors bear the same distrust/hatred of Mages. Though the effects they achieve may be similar, the Witch Doctor works in harmony with the spirits, asking them to perform tasks and offering payment rather than forcing them to do his bidding.


A Barbarian Witch Doctor must

  • be Human,
  • show mistrust of non-Humans,
  • refuse all beneficial spells from non-Barbarians
  • show fear, uncertainty and doubt of known spell users,
  • Immediately attempt to kill any non-Barbarian who casts a spell on him or his possessions. If an Anarchy follower deflects a spell cast at them onto a Barbarian, the Barbarian should attempt to kill the Anarchy follower, he does not need to attempt to kill (though can if he wants) the actual caster of the spell and he may even be unaware of who actually cast it. This is an immediate and instinctive reaction to the casting, not deliberate malice on the part of the Barbarian. The urge to kill lasts for until the caster is dead, until the Barbarian is rendered unconscious through non-magical means, or after being unaware of the caster’s presence for 15 minutes. A caster who survives will never be trusted by the Barbarian again, and the Barbarian should show obvious hatred towards the caster in future.

Barbarian Witch Doctors receive the following bonuses.

  • Instantly recognise a spell (as opposed to a miracle) when cast on him or his possessions. Note the Barbarian does not automatically know the identity of the caster.
  • At Rank 5, the Witch Doctor can call for a Fetch by performing a Ritual. This is a magic creature that usually takes the form of an animal, who guides, protects and helps the Witch Doctor. Initially the Fetch gives the following benefits:

1. The Witch Doctor can borrow an ability from the Fetch. Initially, the Witch Doctor can borrow only one of the following:

Life Points: 3
Mana: 3
Dexterity: 1
Willpower: 1
Toughness: 1

For every 5 Ranks, the Witch Doctor can borrow one extra ability.

The Witch Doctor can choose the ability to borrow at the beginning of the day and immediately after Meditating. The Witch Doctor gains the selected abilities and the Fetch loses them for 24 hours or until the Witch Doctor selects new abilities to borrow. The Witch Doctor cannot borrow an ability that his Fetch does not posses or for Life/Mana that would reduce the Fetches maximum or current value below 0.

Example: Fazer McFadden is a Rank 5 Witch Doctor. At the beginning of the day he decides to borrow Toughness 1 from his Fetch. His Fetch is subsequently attacked with Fire Darts, reducing the Fetches current Life to 9 (from a Max of 15). During Fazer’s Meditation he decides to borrow 3 Life instead, returning the Toughness 1 to his Fetch. Fazer gains 3 maximum Life and 3 current Life (and associated wounds). His Fetch looses 3 maximum Life (to 12) and 3 current Life (to 6). During the remaining day Fazer is attacked, reducing his current Life to 1. After 24 hours have elapsed from the beginning of the day, Fazer looses 3 maximum Life and 3 current Life (going to -2 and hence dying) which is returned to his Fetch.

2. Spell store. The Witch Doctor can teach his Fetch spells, which the Witch Doctor can then cast using the standard rules for instant spells (i.e. use 3 words per level, have required hands free, spend the required Mana and take casting damage). Note the Witch Doctor always counts as the caster of the spell, and hence it is his Mana that is used and he takes any casting damage (not the Fetch).

To teach his Fetch a spell, the Witch Doctor performs the Magic Ritual version using the standard ritual rules.

The Fetch remembers all spells until the Witch Doctor decides to teach it a new one. Initially, the Fetch can only remember one level 0 spell and one level 1 spell.

Example: Fazer McFadden decides to teach his Fetch the level 1 Fire spell Combust 2. He performs a Fire ritual to cast the Combust 2, but instead of casting the spell at a target he modifies the end to teach his Fetch the spell.

Until he replaces it, Fazer can cast Combust 2 as an instant spell as many times as he has mana to do so.

You do not have to have prerequisites stored in a Spell store.

Example: Fazer McFadden decides to teach his Fetch the level 2 Fire spell Fire Dart 4. The Fetch does not need to know Fire Dart 2.

3. The Fetch can intercept Power attacks (this does not include Enervate, Shrivel, Drain Wounds, Shocking Grasp & Mana Lace/Steal Mana), taking the damage from the attack instead of the Witch Doctor. Any Life Points lost are recovered after the Witch Doctor has slept for at least two hours. (Note that the Fetch cannot intercept only part of the damage. Intercepted damage is either all taken by the Fetch or all taken by the Witch Doctor.)

If an attack consists of Normal and Power damage, all Normal damage is taken by the Witch Doctor.

Example: Fazer McFadden is attacked by an Orc doing Sharp 7 Fire 4. He asks his Fetch to intercept the attack, which means that he takes the Sharp 7. His Fetch takes the Fire 4. The Fetch cannot take only some of the Power damage – it either takes the full Fire 4 or the Witch Doctor does.

If the Fetch is asked to intercept an attack, it cannot use its Dexterity or Toughness against the attack, only its Power protection (which includes the special protection granted by its Toughness).

Example: Fazer McFadden is attacked by a Combust 4. He orders his Fetch to intercept the attack. The Fetch has 1 Toughness (which can be used as Power protection), so the Fetch takes 3 damage.

If the Fetch is asked to intercept an attack which is purely a Power damage attack and an attached effect, then the Fetch takes the effect (even if the Fetch is unaffected).

Example: Fazer McFadden is attacked by a Unholy 6 Coma 1. He orders his Fetch to intercept the attack. The Fetch takes the Unholy 6 and is immune to the Coma 1.

A Fetch can be healed by the Witch Doctor. Every Life Point healed requires the Witch Doctor to Concentrate (and additionally cannot move or talk) for 1 minute and uses 2 Mana from the Witch Doctor. If a Fetch is reduced to less than 0 Life Points it returns to its home and will not reappear for 24 hours. During this time, the Witch Doctor loses all the benefits from the Fetch.

4. The Fetch can take on casting damage from rituals.

5. Magic Sight. The Witch Doctor can Concentrate (and additionally cannot move or talk) for 1 minute and then can look through his Fetch’s eyes. The Magic Sight lasts for 15 minutes, or until the Witch Doctor stops concentrating.

6. The Fetch provides advanced training that may not normally be available to the Witch Doctor.


Witch Doctors can change schools (equivalent to changing class) but suffer the following effects:


A Fetch will not move more than 5’ away from the Witch Doctor.

The Witch Doctor can send the Fetch away, which is usually done if he believes that the Fetch will die if it stays. The Fetch will go to its home and not return for 15 minutes, during which time the Witch Doctor loses all the benefits from the Fetch. A Fetch cannot communicate with other Fetches.

The Witch Doctor can improve the Fetch’s abilities by using his own CPs, transferring them to the Fetch via a ritual. Performing this ritual requires at least 8 consecutive hours, during which time the Witch Doctor can perform no other activity beyond the basics of living. (The character’s Rank is based on the number of CPs earned, so still includes any that have been transferred to his Fetch.

Example: Fazer McFadden, now a Rank 9 Witch Doctor, has been on a mighty adventure and has earnt 20 CPs. He decides to transfer 10 of these to his Fetch, giving it the ability to learn an additional level 0 spell (for 2 points) and Willpower 2 (for 8 points). The remaining 10 CPs he spends on his own skills. He is now a Rank 11 Character.

Note that you cannot spend CPs on your Fetch until you have called your Fetch (i.e. are at least a Rank 5 Witchdoctor and so your first 50 CPs spent must be on your character, not your Fetch).

The base abilities and CPs required to improve the Fetch are as follows.

Ability Base CPs
Life Points 15 2
Mana 6 1
Dexterity 2 8 x level
Willpower 1 4 x level
Toughness 0 12 x level
Spells 1 level 0 2 x (l + 1)
1 level 1

To buy the next level of skill, costs the next level of the skill, you do not get it cheaper if the Fetch already has an earlier level of the skill for ‘free’.

Example: Dexterity 3 costs 24 CPs, it does NOT cost 8 CPs.

A Fetch’s Toughness does reduce the damage from Power damage. This stacks with its Dexterity where appropriate.

Example: A Fetch has Dexterity 2 and Toughness 1.
It is hit by a Fire Dart 4, it only takes 1 point of damage.
It is hit by a Combust 4, it only takes 2 points of damage.


Example: If a Witch Doctor is in 2 power protection and his Fetch has 3 Toughness (effectively 3 power protection). The Witch Doctor is then hit for power 6, but has directed his Fetch to take the damage, the Fetch would take 3 points of damage.

Barbarian Shamans

Shamans are dedicated to one of the Paths, and typically use Religious Ceremonies to cast miracles. Most Shamans follow the Path of Balance, though any Path can be followed. Shamans also share the same distrust/hatred of Mages as other Barbarians. They view most Priests as rude and demanding children as rather than request miracles and offer sacrifices, they call on the Path hastily and without ceremony. Although Shamans do have access to instant cast miracles, they generally reserve their use for emergencies, usually preferring to use the ceremonial equivalent when the situation allows.


A Barbarian Shaman must

  • be Human,
  • show mistrust of non-Humans,
  • refuse all beneficial spells from non-Barbarians
  • show fear, uncertainty and doubt of known spell users,
  • Immediately attempt to kill any non-Barbarian who casts a spell on him or his possessions. If an Anarchy follower deflects a spell cast at them onto a Barbarian, the Barbarian should attempt to kill the Anarchy follower, he does not need to attempt to kill (though can if he wants) the actual caster of the spell and he may even be unaware of who actually cast it. This is an immediate and instinctive reaction to the casting, not deliberate malice on the part of the Barbarian. The urge to kill lasts for until the caster is dead, until the Barbarian is rendered unconscious through non-magical means, or after being unaware of the caster’s presence for 15 minutes. A caster who survives will never be trusted by the Barbarian again, and the Barbarian should show obvious hatred towards the caster in future.

Barbarian Shamans receive the following bonuses.

  • Instantly recognise a spell (as opposed to a miracle) when cast on him or his possessions. Note the Barbarian does not automatically know the identity of the caster.
  • At Rank 5, the Shaman can call for a Spirit Guide by performing a Ceremony. This is an Undead spirit, normally an ancestor, who guides, protects and helps the Shaman. (The base statistics for the Spirit Guide are given below.) Initially the Spirit Guide gives the following benefits:

1. The Shaman can borrow an ability from the Spirit Guide. Initially, the Shaman can borrow only one of the following:

Life Points: 3
Standing: 3
Dexterity: 1
Willpower: 1
Toughness: 1

For every 5 Ranks, the Shaman can borrow one extra ability.

The Shaman can choose the ability to borrow at the beginning of the day and immediately after Praying. The Shaman gains the selected abilities and the Spirit Guide loses them for 24 hours or until the Shaman selects new abilities to borrow. The Shaman cannot borrow an ability that his Spirit Guide does not posses or for Life/Standing that would reduce the Spirit Guide maximum or current value below 0.

Example: Morrigan von Angstine is a Rank 5 Shaman. At the beginning of the day she decides to borrow Toughness 1 from her Spirit Guide. Her Spirit Guide is subsequently attacked with Fire Darts, reducing the Spirit Guides current Life to 9 (from a Max of 18). During Morrigan’s Prayer she decides to borrow 3 Life instead, returning the Toughness 1 to her Spirit Guide. Morrigan gains 3 maximum Life and 3 current Life (and associated wounds). Her Spirit Guide looses 3 maximum Life (to 15) and 3 current Life (to 6). During the remaining day Morrigan is attacked, reducing her current Life to 1. After 24 hours have elapsed from the beginning of the day, Morrigan looses 3 maximum Life and 3 current Life (going to -2 and hence dying) which is returned to her Spirit Guide.

2. The Spirit Guide can intercept miraculous Power attacks (this does not include Enervate, Shrivel & Drain Wounds), but not any other type of Power damage.

The Spirit Guide takes the damage instead of the Shaman. Any Life Points lost are recovered after the Shaman has slept for at least two hours. Note that the Spirit Guide cannot intercept only part of the damage. Intercepted damage is either all taken by the Spirit Guide or all taken by the Shaman.

If an attack consists of several types of damage, all non-miraculous based Power damage is taken by the Shaman.

Example: Morrigan von Angstine is attacked by an Orc doing Sharp 7, Fire 4, Unholy 4. She asks her Spirit Guide to intercept the attack, which means that she takes the Sharp 7, Fire 4 and her Spirit Guide takes the Unholy 4. The Spirit Guide cannot take only some of the Unholy 4.

If the Spirit Guide is asked to intercept an attack which is purely a miraculous Power damage attack and an attached effect, then the Spirit Guide takes the effect (even if the Spirit Guide is unaffected).

Example: Morrigan von Angstine is attacked by a Unholy 6 Coma 1. She orders her Spirit Guide to intercept the attack. The Spirit Guide takes the Unholy 6 and is immune to the Coma 1.

A Spirit Guide can be healed by the Shaman. Every Life Point healed requires the Shamen to Concentrate (and additionally cannot move or talk) for 1 minute and uses 2 Standing from the Shaman. If a Spirit Guide is reduced to less than 0 Life Points it returns to its home and will not reappear for 24 hours. During this time, the Shaman loses all the benefits from the Spirit Guide.

3. The Spirit Guide can also take on casting damage from rituals, but not instant cast miracles.

4. Power Sight. The Shamen can Concentrate (and additionally cannot move or talk) for 1 minute and then can look through his Spirit Guide’s eyes. The Power Sight lasts for 15 minutes, or until the Shaman stops concentrating.

5. The Spirit Guide provides advanced training that may not normally be available to the Shaman.


Shamans can learn instant cast miracles.

Spirit Guides

A Spirit Guide will not move more than 5’ away from the Shaman.

The Shaman can send the Spirit Guide away, which is usually done if he believes that the Spirit Guide will die if he stays. The Spirit Guide will go to its home and not return for 15 minutes, during which time the Shaman loses all the benefits from the Spirit Guide. A Spirit Guide cannot communicate with other Spirit Guides.

The Shaman can improve the Spirit Guide’s abilities by using his own CPs, transferring them to the Spirit Guide via a ceremony. Performing this ceremony requires at least 8 consecutive hours, during which the Shaman can perform no other activity beyond the basics of living. The character’s Rank is based on the number of CPs earned, so still includes any that have been transferred to his Spirit Guide.

Example: Morrigan von Angstine, now a Rank 14 Shaman, has conquered several foes and has earnt 20 CPs. She decides to spend 8 of these giving her Spirit Guide Willpower 1. The remaining 12 CPs she spends on her own skills. She is now a Rank 16 Character.

Note that you cannot spend CPs on your Spirit Guide until you have called your Spirit Guide (i.e. are at least a Rank 5 Shaman and so your first 50 CPs spent must be on your character, not your Spirit Guide).

The base abilities and CPs required to improve the Spirit Guide are as follows.

Ability Base CPs
Life Points 18 1
Standing 3 1
Dexterity 1 10 x level
Willpower 0 8 x level
Toughness 2 9 x level

To buy the next level of skill, costs the next level of the skill, you do not get it cheaper if the Spirit Guide already has an earlier level of the skill for ‘free’.

Example: Toughness 3 costs 27 CPs, it does NOT cost 9 CPs.

A Spirit Guide’s Toughness does reduce the damage from Power damage from Miracles.

Example: A Spirit Guide has Toughness 1. It is hit by a Disruption 2, it only takes 1 point of damage.


Example: If a Shaman is in 2 power protection and his Spirit Guide has 3 Toughness (effectively 3 power protection). The Shaman is then hit for Chaos 6, but has directed his Spirit Guide to take the damage, the Spirit would take 3 points of damage.

Barbarian Skills

Anything that looks like this is a restricted skill – check that the Barbarians teach it first before learning it, and if not discuss with the Character Ref.

Anything that looks like this is a restricted skill that needs requesting from the Character Ref.

Barbarian characters do not have access to

The Path of Anarchy is proscribed and not available to player characters.

The Paths of Death and Chaos are restricted. All characters who follow these Paths are closely monitored by the agents of the Kingdom.

Barbarian Beserker have access to

Barbarian Witch Doctors with a Fetch gain access to

The Schools of Darkness, Demonology and Necromancy are proscribed and not available to player characters.

Barbarian Shaman with a Spirit Guide gain access to

The Paths of Anarchy/Death/Chaos are proscribed and not available to player characters.

Weapons and Shields Beserker Witch Doctor Shaman
1H Weapon Proficiency 2 6 4
1H Weapon Specialisation 4 12 8
1H Weapon Expertise 10 30 20
1H Weapon Mastery 24 72 48
1H Weapon Advanced Mastery 58 174 116
1H Weapon Legendary Mastery 140 420 280
2H Weapon Proficiency 4 12 8
2H Weapon Specialisation 8 24 16
2H Weapon Expertise 20 60 40
2H Weapon Mastery 48 144 96
2H Weapon Advanced Mastery 116 348 232
2H Weapon Legendary Mastery 280 840 560
Fist Proficiency 1 3 2
Fist Specialisation 2 6 4
Fist Expertise 5 15 10
Fist Mastery 12 36 24
Fist Advanced Mastery 29 87 58
Fist Legendary Mastery 70 210 140
Dagger Proficiency 1 3 2
Dagger Specialisation 2 6 4
Dagger Expertise 5 15 10
Dagger Mastery 12 36 24
Dagger Advanced Mastery 29 87 58
Dagger Legendary Mastery 70 210 140
Staff Proficiency 4 6 8
Staff Specialisation 8 12 16
Staff Expertise 20 30 40
Staff Mastery 48 72 96
Staff Advanced Mastery 116 174 232
Staff Legendary Mastery 280 420 560
Subdue Proficiency As Weapon Specialisation
Throwing Proficiency 3 9 6
Throwing Specialisation 6 18 12
Throwing Expertise 15 45 30
Throwing Mastery 36 108 72
Throwing Advanced Mastery 87 261 174
Throwing Legendary Mastery 210 630 420
Longbow Proficiency 6 18 12
Longbow Specialisation 12 36 24
Longbow Expertise 30 90 60
Longbow Mastery 72 216 144
Longbow Advanced Mastery 174 522 348
Longbow Legendary Mastery 420 1260 840
1H Crossbow Proficiency 6 18 12
1H Crossbow Specialisation 12 36 24
1H Crossbow Expertise 30 90 60
1H Crossbow Mastery 72 216 144
1H Crossbow Advanced Mastery 174 522 348
1H Crossbow Legendary Mastery 420 1260 840
2H Crossbow Proficiency 12 36 24
2H Crossbow Specialisation 24 72 48
2H Crossbow Expertise 60 180 120
2H Crossbow Mastery 144 432 288
2H Crossbow Advanced Mastery 348 1044 696
2H Crossbow Legendary Mastery 840 2520 1680
Favoured Weapon As Weapon Expertise
Chosen Weapon As Advanced Weapon Mastery
Weapon Adept (per level) 10 x level 30 x level 20 x level
Small Shield Proficiency 2 6 4
Small Shield Specialisation 4 12 8
Small Shield Expertise 10 30 20
Small Shield Mastery 24 72 48
Small Shield Advanced Mastery 58 174 116
Small Shield Legendary Mastery 140 420 280
Medium Shield Proficiency 4 12 8
Medium Shield Specialisation 8 24 16
Medium Shield Expertise 20 60 40
Medium Shield Mastery 48 144 96
Medium Shield Advanced Mastery 116 348 232
Medium Shield Legendary Mastery 280 840 560
Large Shield Proficiency 8 24 16
Large Shield Specialisation 16 48 32
Large Shield Expertise 40 120 80
Large Shield Mastery 96 288 192
Large Shield Advanced Mastery 232 696 464
Large Shield Legendary Mastery 560 1680 1120
Armour Beserker Witch Doctor Shaman
Furs/Leather Proficiency 1 3 2
Furs/Leather Specialisation 2 6 4
Furs/Leather Expertise 4 12 8
Furs/Leather Mastery 8 24 16
Furs/Leather Advanced Mastery 16 48 32
Furs/Leather Legendary Mastery 32 96 64
Studded Leather Proficiency 2 6 4
Studded Leather Specialisation 4 12 8
Studded Leather Expertise 8 24 16
Studded Leather Mastery 16 48 32
Studded Leather Advanced Mastery 32 96 64
Studded Leather Legendary Mastery 64 192 128
Chain Proficiency 4 12 8
Chain Specialisation 8 24 16
Chain Expertise 16 48 32
Chain Mastery 32 96 64
Chain Advanced Mastery 64 192 128
Chain Legendary Mastery 128 384 256
Banded Proficiency 6 18 12
Banded Specialisation 12 36 24
Banded Expertise 24 72 48
Banded Mastery 48 144 96
Banded Advanced Mastery 96 288 192
Banded Legendary Mastery 192 576 384
Plate Proficiency 8 24 16
Plate Specialisation 16 48 32
Plate Expertise 32 96 64
Plate Mastery 64 192 128
Plate Advanced Mastery 128 384 256
Plate Legendary Mastery 256 768 512
Combination 6 18 12
Enhanced Combination 30 90 60
Armour Adept (per level) 10 x level 30 x level 10 x level
Physical/Mental Beserker Witch Doctor Shaman
Enhance Life 1 2 1
Ambidexterity 10 20 15
Strength 15 30 22
Double Strength 22 45 33
Triple Strength 33 67 49
Quadruple Strength 66 114 98
Quintuple Strength 132 228 196
Dexterity (per level) 8 x level 10 x level 10 x level
Manoeuvre in Armour (per level) 4 x level 16 x level 8 x level
Toughness (per level) 10 x level 20 x level 15 x level
Willpower (per level) 12 x level 8 x level 12 x level
Medical Beserker Witch Doctor Shaman
Bind Wounds 3 6 3
Set Broken Bone 9 6 3
Discern Wounds 3 6 3
Discern Disease 9 6 3
Discern Spiritual Influence 9 3 3
Discern Spiritual Strength 9 3 3
Discern Poisoning 9 6 3
Discern Paralysis 9 6 3
Magic Beserker Witch Doctor Shaman
Recognise Magic 6 1 6
Read/Write Runes 6 1 6
Enhance Mana 4 1 4
Meditate 24 4 24
Learn Spell - - -
l = spell level
Multicast - - -
Magic Adept (per level) - - -
Create Talisman 12 + l 2 + l 12 + l
l = level
Transcend Armour 24 + l 4 + l 24 + l
l = level
Enchant Item 48 + l 8 + l 48 + l
l = level, Level 5+
Magic Ritual 48 + l 8 + l 48 + l
l = ritual level, Level 5+
Work with Cabal 48 8 48
Religious Beserker Witch Doctor Shaman
Recognise Miracle 3 3 1
Read/Write Temple Runes 3 3 1
Improve Standing 2 2 1
Prayer 12 12 4
Learn Miracle 18 x (l + 1) 18 x (l + 1) 6 x (l + 1)
l = miracle level, Level 5+
Combined Prayer Variable
Miracle Adept (per level) 30 x level 30 x level 10 x level
Create Holy Symbol 6 + l 6 + l 2 + l
l = level
Consecrate Item p x (24 + l) p x (24 + l) p x (8 + l)
l = level, p = principles, Level 5+
Religious Ceremony p x (24 + l) p x (24 + l) p x (8 + l)
l = ceremony level, p = principles, Level 5+
Work with Conclave 24 24 8
Knowledge Beserker Witch Doctor Shaman
Recognise Creature Proficiency free free free
Recognise Creature Specialisation 6 6 9
Recognise Creature Expertise 12 12 18
Recognise Creature Mastery 24 24 36
Recognise Creature Advanced Mastery 48 48 72
Recognise Creature Legendary Mastery 96 96 144
Creature Lore Proficiency 15 15 20
Creature Lore Specialisation 22 22 30
Creature Lore Expertise 33 33 45
Creature Lore Mastery 49 49 67
Creature Lore Advanced Mastery 74 74 100
Creature Lore Legendary Mastery 110 110 150
Recognise Smell Proficiency 3 3 5
Recognise Smell Specialisation 6 6 9
Recognise Smell Expertise 12 12 18
Recognise Smell Mastery 24 24 36
Recognise Smell Advanced Mastery 48 48 72
Recognise Smell Legendary Mastery 96 96 144
Forager Lore Proficiency 4 4 6
Forager Lore Specialisation 9 9 12
Forager Lore Expertise 18 18 24
Forager Lore Mastery 36 36 48
Forager Lore Advanced Mastery 72 72 96
Forager Lore Legendary Mastery 144 144 192
Recognise Tracks Proficiency 3 3 5
Recognise Tracks Specialisation 6 6 9
Recognise Tracks Expertise 12 12 18
Recognise Tracks Mastery 24 24 36
Recognise Tracks Advanced Mastery 48 48 72
Recognise Tracks Legendary Mastery 96 96 144
Evaluate 12 12 18
Background Skills 5 5 5
Subterfuge Beserker Witch Doctor Shaman
Lethal Strike 30 45 45
Create Trap Level 5+ 4 x (l + 1) 6 x (l + 1) 6 x (l + 1)
Multitrap Variable
Backstab Proficiency 20 30 30
Backstab Specialisation 40 60 60
Backstab Expertise 80 120 120
Backstab Mastery 160 240 240
Backstab Advanced Mastery 320 480 480
Backstab Legendary Mastery 640 960 960
Sniping Proficiency 40 60 60
Sniping Specialisation 80 120 120
Sniping Expertise 160 240 240
Sniping Mastery 320 480 480
Sniping Advanced Mastery 640 960 960
Sniping Legendary Mastery 1280 1920 1920
Manufacture Beserker Witch Doctor Shaman
Make Superior Light Armour 20 60 40
Make Superior Heavy Armour 100 300 200
Make Superior Melee Weapon 100 300 200
Make Superior Missile Weapon 100 300 200