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Setting - The Bladesingers

IC: Welcome to the Bladesingers

Welcome, Bladesinger, to the rest of your life.

You have chosen to dedicate your life to the most noble of causes: the preservation of your people and the destruction of all who would harm them. Your life now belongs to elven-kind, to be used in their defence. You shall become a Spellsword worthy of that calling, and when you die it shall be in honourable sacrifice.


You swear to defend all those of elven descent with your life. You swear to destroy all Drow that you find. You swear to keep the secrets of our Spellsword magic safe within the guild, and not share them with outsiders. You swear to obey these oaths for the rest of your life, and know that should you break them or try to leave, we will hunt you down and end you, for the good of the elven people.


You will be trained in the mystic arts of Spellsword magic, enchanting yourself to become a powerful warrior. Furthermore, your dedication to elvenkind allows us to teach you unique abilities to help you in your quests of protection and aid: you will learn how to use your own life force to heal another elf, and, should the sacrifice of your life be needed, you will be able to channel the knowledge of your willing and certain death into your body and soul, making you a fierce, formidable, righteous sword whom none can stand against.


Our greatest enemy is and always shall be the Drow. You shall not allow any of their evil kind to live. They are the antithesis of elvenkind and they shall be destroyed.
Some of your other enemies will be obvious: those who seek to do harm to elves. You will fight them with every breath in your body. But do be aware of more subtle threats to our people – those who would try to destroy our heritage or our culture, as well as our lives.

In honour and in sacrifice,

Bladesinger Lomellyn Dorma

IC Resources


None at present.

Player-Created Snippets

None at present.

OOC: Playing a Bladesinger

The full rules for Bladesingers can be found under:

Player Rules – The Kingdom – Guilds – Bladesingers

The Bladesingers are a guild dedicated to two things: protecting elves and destroying the Drow. Membership is the only way to legally access the Spellsword school of magic, which gives mages the ability to turn themselves into skilled warriors through magic. The Bladesingers only accept elves, and membership is for life – anyone who shares guild secrets or tries to leave will be hunted down and killed.

There are many reasons why a character may choose to join the Bladesingers. They might be xenophobic towards non-elves, really hate the Drow, or feel it is a noble calling. Some may even see it as a career, albeit a very final one. Some are even born into the guild, which can cause consternation for those outside who see it as a form of slavery.

Bladesingers have the unique ability to sacrifice themselves for others, making themselves powerful and strong for a short while but inevitably dying at the end. While there are pragmatic Bladesingers who do not risk their lives without cause, many people think of the stereotypical Bladesinger as someone ready to give their life at any time.

Bladesingers are always elves and usually mages. As their weapon and armour abilities often come from spells rather than learned skills, they can be very versatile in a fight.
Bladesingers are a boon to any elves in the party, as they have race-specific healing abilities. Their magic can also let them be stronger and sturdier than an elven warrior, and you don’t have to wear phys-rep armour. If they use their sacrifice ability they become truly formidable. However, Bladesingers are still elven mages, and so quite vulnerable if their magic runs out.

If you are thinking of playing a Bladesinger for your first character, we suggest talking to an experienced member for a bit of advice. This is because Bladesingers, due to their oaths, may have a tendency to die frequently, and elves can only be resurrected three times. First characters are special, so you may want to consider the risks of them becoming permanently dead.

As a Bladesinger, your character would know that:

OOC Resources